Saturday 10 December 2011

lil rant... don't read I'll probably offend you too....

You know how sometimes your having a conversation with someone, and you don't know what the wrong thing to say is? And you say it and at first the person doesn't react, but tries to talk you out of said opinion, so you steam off on a little tirade about why it actually is true and suddenly they for seemingly no reason explode? -sigh- neither did I, until like ten minutes ago.
I mean I do dislike my grandmother, for family reasons that I'm not going to disclose here, how was I supposed to know that she was going to get all defensive and take it as an attack on her recently deceased grandmother and herself? I didn't know that by the way, and I feel so terrible about it, I really didn't know... She took it as if I was flaunting the fact that I had a grandmother and was abusing her and she didn;t have one, which is so untrue, I wasn't even trying to, I didn't even mention her or her grandmother I mentioned purely some personal situations within my own family... And she called me insensitive, which I suppose I am, and I would be if I had known! If I had I would have shut my mouth and not said anything... I am such a terrible person, I am an insensitive b*tch... dear god, why do so many people still talk to me... I can now think of hundreds of times I've done this... and I realised, I am a horrible person....
I'm going to crawl in a hole now.... and think up of ways to apologise

Thursday 1 December 2011

almost christmas

Why must all the good books come out at the same time?? I can't afford to get this many for christmas....
So.. I read stolen, by some author... I don't know who wrote it, I think it was a christopher, but it was amazing! Maybe a little old for some people... its about a kidnapping, and this man whos kind of been following this girl since she was 4-5, and then whenever shes about 13 or so decides he needs to save her from the city and kidnaps her, taking her to Australia, I won't give out anymore info, but it is amazing! It has a wonderful writing style! Really good, I would reccomend it, there's nothing much bad in it, except obbiously the topic, and some foul language and mentions of drugs and alcohol, but unlike I was worried about there is no rape in it (thank goodness....)

List of books I want for christmas, I hope to get at least the top three:
Inheritence by Christopher paolini, hands up if you lovvve this series?
Crossed by Allie Condie
Darke by Angie Sage, if you haven't read the septimus heap books do, NOW, go get!
City of bones (read but I'd like to own it, they are amazing books!)
A monster calls
Flying blind