Wednesday 28 September 2011

Books books books, so little time!

Don't you hate it when school work clashes with what you really want to do? maybe your not in school... but I will tell you its really very very annoying.
 I have chemistry and maths that I don't want to do, but I have to, and I've got a pile of 6 books on my bedside table, all of which I'm anticipating in delight but I have no bloody time to get around to them!! I've been trying to read "Hunger" for the past week now and have hardly managed to read a word, I do not enjoy it, not one little bit,... I might have to start replacing sleeping time with reading time and put sleeping time somewhere else... or no where, depending on whether my insomnia comes back and i have a sinking suspicion that it plans on doing so sometime soon....

Monday 19 September 2011


I need this book!! Oh my goodness, I read the first 5 in a series in a couple of days, went to the shop to buy this one and it was 14.99!!! In case you didn't know that is a lot to spend for someone who has no money, they didn't have the paper back, and its out of all the libraries, I'm so sad :'(  I'm greatly looking forward to reading it, but then I have to wait for the next one... I'm not so good with waiting, not even a little.

I've got other books to read in the meantime, Hunger from the Gone series by Michael Grant, I've only just started them, it's fantastic, but one question what's up with the neon pages? I mean what's the point really?
I'm also reading The various... which I'm enjoying, it's nothing special but it's a good book, couldn't tell you who the author is though....

Wednesday 14 September 2011

My name is Mina

Hello all (if anyone)
I just finished reading “My name is Mina” by David Almond. It is a very short book, and can be read relatively quickly, due to the general layout of the book. The front cover has a lot of writing on it, and is shiny, which generally attracts the eye, although I think less would have been more, it just seems very overcrowded, on my own copy the words didn’t quite fit the book.
The font of the book, is different from the usual, and every once in a while the size will increase or decrease dramatically, and whole pages will be used for little pieces of interest or one word. Some of the pages are black, with white writing, which is a very good way of catching the eye of a reader, also a little distracting.
The book is the prequel to Skellig, told through the eyes of Mina, “Mad Mina” I think Mina is a charming character, and Almond develops her as a person very well, writing through a child’s point of view isn’t always easy, especially because the minds of children are particularly whimsical and uncertain about anything.
It is told as though she is writing in a journal, a phase that most people will try at least once, not many keeping to it, but some do. And the inclusion of, “Extraordinary activities,” gives children a basis for thought. And the fact that the book gives you something to think about, makes it all the better.
I found it a nice book, it wasn’t difficult to understand, it was a quick read and it was rather simple, unlike many of the books, that take long and winding plots that take 4 books to finish, this one finished it in half a book, with large fonts.
Personally I loved it, and thought it was well worth the read (but maybe not the amount I paid…. But I did get a hardback…)
By the way, does anyone know how you pronounce Mina for definite I had an argument with a friend about it….
Started the skulduggery pleasant books last Saturday they’re bloody brilliant!!