Saturday 10 December 2011

lil rant... don't read I'll probably offend you too....

You know how sometimes your having a conversation with someone, and you don't know what the wrong thing to say is? And you say it and at first the person doesn't react, but tries to talk you out of said opinion, so you steam off on a little tirade about why it actually is true and suddenly they for seemingly no reason explode? -sigh- neither did I, until like ten minutes ago.
I mean I do dislike my grandmother, for family reasons that I'm not going to disclose here, how was I supposed to know that she was going to get all defensive and take it as an attack on her recently deceased grandmother and herself? I didn't know that by the way, and I feel so terrible about it, I really didn't know... She took it as if I was flaunting the fact that I had a grandmother and was abusing her and she didn;t have one, which is so untrue, I wasn't even trying to, I didn't even mention her or her grandmother I mentioned purely some personal situations within my own family... And she called me insensitive, which I suppose I am, and I would be if I had known! If I had I would have shut my mouth and not said anything... I am such a terrible person, I am an insensitive b*tch... dear god, why do so many people still talk to me... I can now think of hundreds of times I've done this... and I realised, I am a horrible person....
I'm going to crawl in a hole now.... and think up of ways to apologise

Thursday 1 December 2011

almost christmas

Why must all the good books come out at the same time?? I can't afford to get this many for christmas....
So.. I read stolen, by some author... I don't know who wrote it, I think it was a christopher, but it was amazing! Maybe a little old for some people... its about a kidnapping, and this man whos kind of been following this girl since she was 4-5, and then whenever shes about 13 or so decides he needs to save her from the city and kidnaps her, taking her to Australia, I won't give out anymore info, but it is amazing! It has a wonderful writing style! Really good, I would reccomend it, there's nothing much bad in it, except obbiously the topic, and some foul language and mentions of drugs and alcohol, but unlike I was worried about there is no rape in it (thank goodness....)

List of books I want for christmas, I hope to get at least the top three:
Inheritence by Christopher paolini, hands up if you lovvve this series?
Crossed by Allie Condie
Darke by Angie Sage, if you haven't read the septimus heap books do, NOW, go get!
City of bones (read but I'd like to own it, they are amazing books!)
A monster calls
Flying blind

Sunday 30 October 2011

it's official, I have no life

Skulduggery pleasant, from the cover of book 3, I will put a valkyrie in that big blank space at some point.... but as you can see from my vigorous shading, I will not be painting it, goodness I hate paints.

Who doesn't love the nightmare before christmas? Even if Sally is just a little tooo blue... I'm gonna do emily from the corpse bride soon as well, I love Tim Burton.

 I've spent the last 2 days drawing these, and then planning for NaNo, I'm so excited, but at the same time dreading it just a bit. I finished death bringer and it was AWESOME!! I just want to read the next one but I can't!! Grrr.... must subdue inner fan-girl by writing fan-fiction, to prove the point of having no life further.....

Have you ever noticed that drawings/paintings photograph better than they actually look?

Saturday 8 October 2011


NANOWRIMO starts in less than a month, is anyone else planning on doing it this year? I've done it for the past 4 years... well 3 and a half I came in during the middle of november in my first year... (technically counts as four) I've only one twice... last in 2009 when I was 1000 words of the target :( and the first year were when I lost. all of which have gone to waste since I had to make a new account this year!!
  I guess I'm gonna have to start preparing ideas for it but I just wanted to know if anyone was doing it? I love it, even though I almost died last year.. the secret my friends is cafeine lots and lots of cafeine.

For those of you who don't know what NANOWRIMO is, then I am ashamed of you, not really, it stands for NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH, and you write a 50'000 word novel in one month or else you don't win, and you don't worry about editing (which is great) you just write and write, and the NANOWRIMO team send you pep talks in your e-mail during the month, because at one point or another you will want to bail out of the project. Novembers the month just in case you didn't know....

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Books books books, so little time!

Don't you hate it when school work clashes with what you really want to do? maybe your not in school... but I will tell you its really very very annoying.
 I have chemistry and maths that I don't want to do, but I have to, and I've got a pile of 6 books on my bedside table, all of which I'm anticipating in delight but I have no bloody time to get around to them!! I've been trying to read "Hunger" for the past week now and have hardly managed to read a word, I do not enjoy it, not one little bit,... I might have to start replacing sleeping time with reading time and put sleeping time somewhere else... or no where, depending on whether my insomnia comes back and i have a sinking suspicion that it plans on doing so sometime soon....

Monday 19 September 2011


I need this book!! Oh my goodness, I read the first 5 in a series in a couple of days, went to the shop to buy this one and it was 14.99!!! In case you didn't know that is a lot to spend for someone who has no money, they didn't have the paper back, and its out of all the libraries, I'm so sad :'(  I'm greatly looking forward to reading it, but then I have to wait for the next one... I'm not so good with waiting, not even a little.

I've got other books to read in the meantime, Hunger from the Gone series by Michael Grant, I've only just started them, it's fantastic, but one question what's up with the neon pages? I mean what's the point really?
I'm also reading The various... which I'm enjoying, it's nothing special but it's a good book, couldn't tell you who the author is though....

Wednesday 14 September 2011

My name is Mina

Hello all (if anyone)
I just finished reading “My name is Mina” by David Almond. It is a very short book, and can be read relatively quickly, due to the general layout of the book. The front cover has a lot of writing on it, and is shiny, which generally attracts the eye, although I think less would have been more, it just seems very overcrowded, on my own copy the words didn’t quite fit the book.
The font of the book, is different from the usual, and every once in a while the size will increase or decrease dramatically, and whole pages will be used for little pieces of interest or one word. Some of the pages are black, with white writing, which is a very good way of catching the eye of a reader, also a little distracting.
The book is the prequel to Skellig, told through the eyes of Mina, “Mad Mina” I think Mina is a charming character, and Almond develops her as a person very well, writing through a child’s point of view isn’t always easy, especially because the minds of children are particularly whimsical and uncertain about anything.
It is told as though she is writing in a journal, a phase that most people will try at least once, not many keeping to it, but some do. And the inclusion of, “Extraordinary activities,” gives children a basis for thought. And the fact that the book gives you something to think about, makes it all the better.
I found it a nice book, it wasn’t difficult to understand, it was a quick read and it was rather simple, unlike many of the books, that take long and winding plots that take 4 books to finish, this one finished it in half a book, with large fonts.
Personally I loved it, and thought it was well worth the read (but maybe not the amount I paid…. But I did get a hardback…)
By the way, does anyone know how you pronounce Mina for definite I had an argument with a friend about it….
Started the skulduggery pleasant books last Saturday they’re bloody brilliant!!

Thursday 23 June 2011

My sister lives on the mantlepiece

I have in my posession a signed copy of this book by Annabel Pitcher, of course, at the minute it is on loan to one of my aunts. I finished it yesterday on the 22nd of June, and I loved it.

It was very sad, but it was also very sweet, not to mention quite realistic, though as far as my knowledge goes not based on the truth, but I may be mistaken.

Jamie's elder sister died when he was young, so whilst all the family mourn her, and his parents split up over the blame, his mum running off with a grief counsellor, he remembers nothing of his sister, so cannot feel sad for the loss of something he doesn't remember, which is completely understandable in my opinion.
 His sister Rose died in a terrorist bombing in London, so like you do his father takes out his anger on ALL muslim's, so even Jamie feels he should hate them, but that doesn't stop him from beecoming best friends with a girl called Sunya.

  The book describes Jamie's family through their journey of acceptance, and the trials of overcoming grief, it is a very touching tale.

I have only read the book once, and the first time I read a book is only for enjoyment purposes, but because I did enjoy this book, I don't want to read it a second time to look for weaknesses, as I do for all books, I like to study literature to help my own writing improve.

If you didn't gt it, the title comes from her ashes being on the mantlepiece in an urn.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Books, books, books!

The purpose of this blog is to talk giberish about books I've read, books I want to read and series I fell in love with, not to mention the ones I detest, and what I think of characters and such. Also giving out reccomendations for books that I think anyone would love, and advising people away from books that no one would, in my opinion, if you've read a book that I hated and you liked it, that is okay, I merely express my own opinion, there's no way I could know yours.

I love reading, and have over 200 books in my room at present never mind all the ones from libraries and ones that I've sold, if there's any books you want me to review just let me know!

Until next time!